Strength in surrendering |
All I could do this past weekend was go for a walk in our serene
communing with the trees and prairie grass. Then I got to a crossroads
and I paused. I wanted to walk on, but I wasn't sure I had the time for
it. A woman who'd been walking in front of me had sat down on a log and
was overlooking the view, I thought, and I didn't want her to think I
had paused just to follow her next move. So I explained. "I don't know
which way I should go." I can't recall the order of our sharing past
that, but it sort of went like this (condensed version; I talk fast, so a
lot more went into it):
She: "I just want to take the path you don't take."
Me: "I'm just trying to figure out if I have the time for the longer route. I'd really like to take the longer route."
"I just want to be here in the Arb. I'm supposed to meet some friends
at the college for a concert and it's supposed to be fun, but I just
want to be here."
Me: "... I can't decide. I am coming undone."
She: "So am I!!!!"
So then I gave her a big hug.
And then we talked.